Gonski 2.0 "Through growth to achievement report of the review to achieve educational excellence in Australian Schools - Summary
Important Note: This is not my work, this is a summary provided by the AEU Victoria branch's research officer, John Graham. I believe it needs to be more broadly seen and viewed by actual, practicing teachers who have been likely too busy to pore over the 150 page report.
Through Growth to
Achievement Report of the Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in
Australian Schools March 2018
Summary of Recommendations
and Findings
Recommendations (summarised
and bold added)
Recommendation 1: Each student should achieve at least one year’s growth throughout each
year of schooling.
Recommendation 2: Implement best practice approaches to supporting parents and carers to engage in their
children’s learning throughout their education.
Recommendation 3: Ensure all students have the opportunity
within schools to be partners in their
own learning.
Recommendation 4: Introduce new reporting arrangements with a focus on both learning attainment
and learning gain.
Recommendation 5: Revise the structure of the Australian
Curriculum progressively over the next five years to present the learning areas and general capabilities as learning
Recommendation 6: Prioritise the implementation of learning
progressions for literacy and numeracy in
curriculum delivery during the early years of schooling.
Recommendation 7: Strengthen the development of the general capabilities, and raise
their status within curriculum delivery.
Recommendation 8: Strengthen school-community engagement.
Recommendation 9: A national inquiry to investigate and
review the objectives, curriculum, assessment provisions and delivery
structures for senior secondary
Recommendation 10: Accelerate the development of
contemporary pedagogy through the use of collaboration,
mentoring, observation and feedback and creating the conditions to enable
teachers to engage in them.
Recommendation 11: Develop a new online and on demand student learning assessment tool based
on the Australian Curriculum learning progressions.
Recommendation 12: Create the conditions necessary to enable
teachers to effectively engage and benefit from professional learning [in the recommended changes].
Recommendation 13: Provision of high-quality professional learning for teachers.
Recommendation 14: Develop a comprehensive national teacher workforce strategy
Recommendation 15: Create the conditions to enable teachers
to engage in effective induction practices.
Recommendation 16: Provide opportunities for structured
career pathways for teachers that allow for accelerated progression and provide the opportunity for
remuneration, recognition and allocation of responsibilities based on
Recommendation 17: Review and revise the Australian
Professional Standard for Principals to prioritise
leadership of learning.
Recommendation 18: Ensure principals have the professional autonomy and accountability
required to lead their school on the improvement journey most relevant to their
starting point.
Recommendation 19: Create and provide opportunities to
implement a structured career pathway for school
Recommendation 20: Provide school leaders with access to a
variety of professional learning opportunities and recognise and harness the
skills and experience of high-performing
principals by enabling them to share their expertise
Recommendation 21: Enhance school and system internal self-review and external quality
assurance processes
Recommendation 22: Accelerate the introduction of a national Unique Student Identifier for
all students to be used throughout schooling.
Recommendation 23: Establish an independent institution to
coordinate the strategic development of a national
research and evidence base
Findings (summarised and
bold added)
Finding 1: a focus on achievement through learning growth for all students
Finding 2: Early
childhood education makes a significant contribution to school outcomes.
The transition between preschool and school education should be seamless.
Finding 3: There is strong and developing evidence of the
benefit of parent engagement on
children’s learning. Development of an evidence-informed definition of parent
Finding 4: Teaching curriculum based on year or age levels rather than levels of progress leaves some
students behind and fails to extend others.
Finding 5: Reporting against year-level achievement standards hides both progress and attainment
for some students and does not amount to a diagnostic assessment of real
learning needs.
Finding 6: School-community
engagement is an effective way to improve the relevance of learning, and to
support personal development and student learning growth.
Finding 7: Tailored teaching based on ongoing formative assessment and feedback are
the key to enabling students to progress to higher levels of achievement.
Finding 8: Ongoing professional
development is an essential part of a teacher’s workload in high-performing
education systems.
Finding 9: Teaching must become a high-status profession of expert educators.
Finding 10: Raising the quality of initial teacher preparation and improving the classroom readiness
of graduate teachers.
Finding 11: Implementation of effective induction practices and appropriate conditions are critical to
support the transition from initial teacher education into the profession.
Finding 12: Certification at the Highly Accomplished and Lead levels of the Australian Professional
Standards for Teachers can play a key role in keeping excellent teachers
working with students and helping to improve colleagues’ pedagogical practices.
Finding 13: Aspiring school principals require clear pathways leading to the role, and
comprehensive training and preparation to a quality standard before their appointment.
Finding 14: To have an impact, strategies for school leadership development need to
be aligned to the nationally endorsed Australian guidelines for school
Finding 15: School
leaders play a variety of roles, including leaders of learning, business
administrators, and culture setters. Participation in ongoing quality
professional learning is essential, with a particular focus on their role as leaders of learning.
Finding 16: As Australian schools transition to diagnostic assessment and differentiated
teaching within the framework of learning progressions, there will be
increasing opportunities for, and benefits to be gained from, external quality review processes at
school and system level.
Finding 17:
Australian schools need access to: valid
and reliable evidence of effective teaching practice; independent and
rigorous evaluations of commercial and other teaching and educational interventions;
and the most recent findings on educational innovation and research.
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