
Showing posts from May, 2018

Gonski 2.0 "Through growth to achievement report of the review to achieve educational excellence in Australian Schools - Summary

Important Note: This is not my work, this is a summary provided by the AEU Victoria branch's  research officer, John Graham. I believe it needs to be more broadly seen and viewed by actual, practicing teachers who have been likely too busy to pore over the 150 page report. Through Growth to Achievement Report of the Review to Achieve Educational Excellence in Australian Schools March 2018 (Gonski Review Report ) Summary of Recommendations and Findings Recommendations (summarised and bold added) Recommendation 1: Each student should achieve at least one year’s growth throughout each year of schooling. Recommendation 2: Implement best practice approaches to supporting parents and carers to engage in their children’s learning throughout their education. Recommendation 3: Ensure all students have the opportunity within schools to be partners in their own learning. Recommendation 4: Introduce new reporting arrangem...