The future of Education: Problematised (Tech Versus Teachers)

Whilst here in Cambodia with Teachers Across Borders Australia, I met a volunteer from the group VSO (Voluntary Services Overseas) who spoke glowingly of the potential for education via screens in developing countries. This concept broadly is one that appealed to me as a leading proponent of instructional video and flipped learning in the Secondary educational space. I believe that teachers need to be better integrating technology into their teaching methodology whilst also holding it at arm’s length when delivered past or without teacher consultation. This is admittedly a complex and delicately weighted position to have, I believe that technology supported instruction is crucial, but that it should also be delivered and produced by teachers. Following on from this wide-ranging discussion that touched on all of the familiar catch cries of the educational disruptors: ‘factory model’, Sir Ken Robinson, High Tech High, Flipped Learning, Blended learning and other such staples. Plus, ...