Improving Teachers pay and conditions: Art or Science?

The key question I would like to explore is: As a profession, how should we best represent ourselves. As @beardface noted earlier on Twitter, the common metaphor and analogy for teachers and teaching currently are Doctors and/or Medicine. This may seem like a positive association, which is true for pay, conditions and status, but the persistence of the idea, and its over-application, also holds issues. Specifically, Davies (1999) conceived of Education as medicine in the debate around the ‘what works’ and ‘evidence-based’ practice and research (Hammersley, 1997; Olson, 2004; Slavin, 2002, 2004). In response, Olson (2004) rejected the analogy made between education and medical research, commenting on the differences between a ‘drug’ being administered and an educational intervention. Whilst Hammersley (1997) shifted the analogy to align educational research with surgical operations made up of complex decision-making. What I am questioning here, however, some 20 year...