Select your weapon: Marking tech, the snobbery you didn’t know you needed

Select your weapon: Marking tech, the snobbery you didn’t know you needed An interesting sub-culture I had never considered appears to exist within our very midst, teachers as users of stationery, who knew? See below for a summary of the prices, products and lead proponents of the surprisingly active and passionate #penchat, notably, this hashtag already has a somewhat active use, by people who use it to discuss, well, pens… Below are the leading choices, as ranked by price. I have no idea why I took the time to do this, except for the fact that I have a weekend without a pile of marking to be addressed. Refer to the low quality image below for a hard to view and strangely formatted selection of images that in theory was intended to align with the table above. Product Price Lead proponent Link Kilometrico Ballpoint 42c @kmcg2375 Staedtler Natural Graphite Pencils HB 60c @sha...